I got some thoughts about radicalization within the military.

It’s a problem. I was around for the KKK nonsense at Bragg in the 90s. The never ending wars have made it worse. Like a callus on the soul.

The hidden wound is PTSD. But also the dehumanization required. And more.
Like idk of I want to do a whole thread on this. There’s a lot to it and it’s related to so many other things. I’m not sure I’ve situated it all out.

And for the record, I was 100% in this man. I drank the koolaid. 5 combat deployments deep. It’s a lot. And I see shit now.
There’s an arrogance. An air. Like you’re on the cutting edge. That you’re the tip of the spear of violence. It’s literally a term they use for special Ops.

But once you’re in your all the way in. You believe all the lies they’re selling ya bc you want to believe you’re special.
It’s human to attach meaning, importance and significance to your life.

You join the killing machine of the military and all of that profound stuff is just right there to be had.



Just believe. Just buy in. But there’s a price. And you don’t pay it up front.
So you buy in. The pay is pretty good. You’re doing exciting things and your worshipped. It’s a lot like a drug. But you gotta buy all the way in of your gonna get the primo gigs.

What are the primo gigs? It’s always direct action related. Shooting something. I started in tanks.
But that shit is basic. Where’s the fun in that? All the glory there was in the Gulf War. We aren’t having a tank battle of significance.

The glory is in special ops. That’s where the cool kids are. They have all the gear. They grow beards. They play by different rules.
They’re the ones idolized on TV shows and movies. You want to be a bad ass? You need to me spec ops.

I tried directly in 98. I quit after 2 weeks out of pain. I didn’t have the right stuff. It was soul crushing. I was weak. Couldn’t hang. Lots of excuses. Maybe try again later.
Well family starts. Kids. Now you’re in. You have a career. So I go spec ops another way. Not as cool but still spec ops. PSYOPS.

But I’m missing the point. The point is the wars. All of my military history I’ve talked about here was before 9/11.

9/11 changed everything.
Now we’re gonna go kick ass! It’s on.

My best friend from 8th grade was a ranger. Hanging over their office was a sign that said “pray for war”.

Seriously. Think of it this way. You train endlessly. Putting 100% effort into your trainingand never not once do you do it for real.
Many of the nations elite soldiers are begging to go to war. With anyone. For any reason.

That’s not fair to all of them. Some are aware and question. Some are dying for a war for career advancement. How do you get promoted during 20 years of war and not deploying? But others?
Let’s be honest. Some, mostly rank and file, are just there to fuck some shit up and to do it under the auspices of being a hero.

So now the only hurdle to killing other humans...bc everything else is pushing me on this path... is to dehumanize them.

In group/Out group theory.
All it takes at this point for me to kill, after I’m so incentivized to do it, is just make the enemy a member of the out group.


So I’ve not killed directly. But I’ve contributed to killing of hundreds. My evaluations say as much. I was awarded for it. I’m a hero.
Everyone deals with the stressors of combat differently.

But way too many are 100% indifferent to it. They really do believe in an unquestioning masculinity that is literally defined by this. In fact, the Army rewards this and needs it.

If every unit broke after engagement...
So now you feel like a god. You’re an elite soldier for the US of fucking A. You believe rock, flag and eagle and all the adulation you DESERVE as an elite soldier. Fighting for freedom and American ideals.

But you don’t ever question...bc you’re all the way in.
So when you’re told by your president that the Democrats have literally stolen an election. And not just that, but those weak ass pussies that are afraid to do what you do. That are terrified by the prospect of living one day in your shoes. Yeah those fucking pussies.
They couldn’t even comprehend the stress that I’ve been though. The sacrifices. The marriage. The kids birthdays.

I’ve given for my country. I’m a hero. And for them to try and make THIS country socialist? The thing I’ve been told I’m fighting my entire life. I’m liberating.
And the literal President is telling me that an election was STOLEN.

OUR election? In OUR country? By socialists?!

My entire career of killing people and receiving glory was based on stopping communism/socialism. I don’t need to know the difference. Just point me in a direction
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