The week has been long, but the theme has been white privilege revealed in all the ways.

After violent insurrectionist took over the Capitol, they were allowed to go home.

After that, Congress members did a whole how dare you Karen and were allowed into Congress.
And it didn't matter if they carried a gun or were suspected to have a gun.

Those people were allowed to go HOW DARE and do what they wanted.
Let me roll back that statement, not do what they wanted, but go about their everyday life.
Aubrey was being nosy like we all are when there is construction in the neighborhood.

Breonna had a sketchy ex and had moved on with her life.

Tamir was being a kid, playing with a toy from the outside that looked dangerous.
Black people are not afforded the benefit of the doubt. White privilege is being afforded that and so much more.

The FBI and the DOJ took a week to come out with a statement calling 1/6 actions seditious. They won't call it terrorism bc *checks skin color*
I agree what Eugene Goodman did was heroic. Despite my many mental caveats.

But had he been white and opened fire, he'd get the same designation.
If you are truly an ally, you will never ever forget this stark difference.

Your argument won't be I want these same white ppl mowed down like they would if the suspect was Black. (Tho I'm not going to be mad if you do feel that way.)
The battle cry is that Eric Garner should have been given a citation.

Tamir should have gotten a ride home.

Sandra should have been left completely alone.

Philando should have gotten a conversation about the best guns out on the market.
And when a congress member participated in sedition they shouldn't be given all the leeway simply because they are white.

I want equality. And if not that, I want privilege to be abolished.
BC we know, we absolutely know, that if AOC had come to Congress strapped (and rightfully given what went down and the uncertainty of her safety) she'd still be waiting to enter Capitol Hill.

Think about the headlines and how every time she muttered a word...
We have endless headlines about her getting a hair cut.

A hair cut.

And she's not even Black. (Or Jewish. Or Asian. Or non-cis het. Or disabled.)
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