. @AOC just told viewers on Instagram Live that she had a "close encounter" during the attacks on the Capitol in which she thought she might die. Said she cannot disclose full details out of security concerns.
"Wednesday was an extremely traumatizing event. And it was not an exaggeration to say that many members of the House were nearly assassinated." @AOC
AOC also says that she didn't feel safe going to the safe room and sheltering with other members of Congress, because she felt some of them might disclose her location to rioters and put her in danger.
"Too late... You were a part of it," says @AOC to Trump administration officials who resigned after the attacks. "Those 5 peoples' blood is on your hands."
@AOC does not mince words, says that the Capitol attacks were ultimately upholding the politics of white supremacy.
"Their lust for power has driven them away from their loyalty to democracy. It's not just Trump who has to go," says @AOC.
To every member of Congress who voted to overturn the results of the election: "If any member of Congress so much as stutters to say that the Confederacy were traitors to the U.S., that the Confederacy is a legion of white supremacists...turn in your pin and get out." @AOC
. @AOC addresses Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley specifically: "You do not belong in the United States Senate."
Here's a clip of @AOC discussing (at least a segment of) the GOP's deep attachment to supremacy:
"Consequences are the only way that they will stop contributing to violence... So they need to go. They need to get out." @AOC
"We will be impeaching the President of the United States tomorrow," says @AOC. "While it's a little late for some Republicans to scramble together a reputation... maybe you should vote to impeach him because he's an active threat to every single American."
"You're either with the people, or you're with that mob."

And on that note, @AOC ends her powerful monologue and is onto IG Live Q&A.
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