A small thread on what I’ve noticed in #RunOn concerning the topic, hands.
(I’ll probably redo this later cause it’s not as thorough as I would like it to be)
We start with episode 1, when seon gyeom helps mi joo with the thief, he intended and planned to leave straight afterwards but didn’t. Why? At that time, mi joo grabbed his arm (her hands) and asked for help which he couldn’t refuse.
It might not seem like a lot but at the end of the same episode, when mi joo offers her hand for a handshake, he looks at it and shows his. Notice how her arm was stretched out away from herself while his wasn’t.
This could be taken to have a deeper meaning of how mi joo is the one who reaches out past her comfort zone for others whereas seon gyeom doesn’t really tend to do so (debatable) as he has his own walls that keeps everyone at a distance from him.
So with him not shaking her hand, I think it speaks of how difficult it is for him to open himself up to others and let them into his world.
Next we look at episode 2, we see seon gyeom throughout this episode looking at her hands quite a bit: at the movie theater and when they went out drinking. One could argue that he is intrigued by her and wants to be closer to her but doesn’t have the guts to reach out.
That’s exemplified when mi joo reaches out her hands again to pull him up at the near end of the episode. There he shows hesitation to give her his hand. Instead he asks her a question to give himself time as to whether he wants to take the risk or not.
I believe mi joo’s answer “why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up” aided in his decision to finally give her his hand.
Then comes the famous kiss but before that, when mi joo told him if he kept looking at her like that, she would make a mistake, she reaches her hands and place them on his arms and stepped into his personal space. The symbolism right there. That’ll take a whole other thread lol
So when we get to the kiss scene, this time, it is seon gyeom who reaches out his hand and pulls her into his personal space for a kiss. And even after the kiss, he kept holding her hand until he passed out.
Signifying that he’s accepting her into his personal space and is already reluctant of letting her go. Which takes us to episode 3 where we literally see his being so clingy and refusing to loosen his grip on her.
Even when she arrives at jeju and eun bi tells her to hop in the car with them, seon gyeom reaches out his hand towards her as an acknowledgement of his desire of wanting her in his life. (The way I’m bsing rn😭)
Then the scene at night where he told her he was happy to see her and he still is, he finally reaches out his hand for a handshake which mi joo accepts. A drastic step where it can’t be blamed on alcohol imo.
Next episode 4, here we see him throughout reaching out his hands to grab her arm or wrist. Man truly is comfortable with her lol. I have nothing else to say my brain is slowly going blank so I’ll finish this quick.
There’s so much more instances of this from ep 5-7 so I’m not going to talk about that cause it seems redundant. So in episode 8, we see seon gyeom pulling the E.T move on mi joo lol. Why? Maybe as a way to express his emotions
If we see it that way, seon gyeom’s hands tell us a lot about his feelings towards mi joo that often times he isn’t able to say. So by him pulling that move, it’s his way of expressing himself without words
Although how she’s to know that and interpret it is beyond me. Seon gyeom just use your mouth lol.
Of course, it’s not only seon gyeom who’s communicating through his hands. Mi joo as well. For example ep 7, where she grabs his arm pulls him away from that sticky situation. It shows her genuine care and concern for him
Which brings us back to ep 8 where his mom even points it out that someone who is able to grab your hand, you should treat them well. Solidifying the importance of hands to seon gyeom and the drama in general
Last thing I want to add before closing, when mi joo asked for him to hold her hand, we see seon gyeom waste to time to grab her hand. Didn’t even bother to put down the towel first, he just dropped it.
We can see how important mi joo has already become to seon gyeom (hence him saying he wasn’t afraid of anything but now he’s about to be).
Seeing him go from reluctant to eager when it comes to mi joo and hands, I’m honestly proud of him
We can see all of this as hands being the key into seon gyeom’s life and heart with all the walls that surrounds him. So it’s not that mi joo is standing outside the walls, she’s already inside. She just hasn’t realized it yet lol.
Anyways that all I have folks. Thanks for attending my ted talk😌😌
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