UCP seemed taken a bit aback at the backlash over their holiday travel. It’s the arrogance, the entitlement, the hypocrisy, and I think, worst of all the sneakiness. MLAs sitting on beaches, pretending they were here in Alberta. 1/11
#handsoffmypension #ResignKenney
When the full force of Albertans’ anger became apparent, ‘Let us earn back your trust and show you how humble we are” they grovelled. But, as ever, UCP talks out of one side of their mouths as they lie out of the other side. 2 days before Christmas 2/11
Finance Minister Travis Toews signed a ministerial order that *imposes* an investment management agreement between AIMCo (yeah, *that* AIMCo that lost billions $$$ last year) and the Alberta Teachers Retirement Fund. In 2019, when UCP forced the ATRF to be managed by AIMCO 3/11
Toews wrote opinion articles, an open letter on Facebook, and spoke multiple times in the #ableg about how teachers’ concerns were ‘absolute nonsense’, and how ATRF would still be the ones who had the strategic say in how their money would be invested. He assured us. 4/11
“AIMCo will invest according to policies set by the ATRF board,” Toews promised—publicly. But now, the imposed ‘agreement’ states that if AIMCo disagrees with what ATRF wants to do, they don’t have to follow ATRF’s policies. AIMCo doesn’t have to consult, they don’t have to 5/11
ask permission, they can just veto it and do whatever AIMCo wants. And, according to Toews’ ministerial order “Such decisions by AIMCo are not subject to appeal or arbitration.” This DIRECTLY contradicts what Toews spent so much time promising would not happen, and 6/11
belittling anyone who feared it would. And again, Toews signed this order on Dec. 23, when teachers in Alberta, who had a harrowing fall dealing with covid at school, were all on break (some schools ended Dec.22). He did not inform ATRF until Jan. 4, 2021, when teachers were 7/11
back online after Christmas, and the news was not released until today, when teachers were all back IN their classrooms. Again, AIMCo lost billions $ in 2020 through poor/risky investment decisions. No teachers wanted to transfer the management of their pensions to AIMCo. 8/11
UCP that just DAYS ago was begging Albertans to let them earn back their trust was up to this behind our backs. This time it’s teachers, but don’t forget they’re coming after your CPP too, and you can bet they’ll be just as ‘truthful’ about what they’re up to then, too. 9/11
Think of working all your life and having a hefty deduction off EVERY paycheque you ever earned going into a fund, only to have UCP seize it from you, hand it over to dubious and incompetent managers, and lie about what they are doing. Even if you are not a teacher, 10/11
this should concern you deeply. UCP wants to ‘earn back’ and rebuild our trust. This is NOT the way. They think a few days of hollow apologies pulled the wool over your eyes again. Please let your MLA know it did *not* in no uncertain terms.
#handsoffmypension 11/11
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