Hello Teumes! For those who still understand and also wondering on 'Why can we chart high at night but not during the day' and 'If we charted high at night, we do we have difficulties charting on daily?'

here's a thread for your understanding.
a team of teumes gathered data from Genie from last year, and here's a sample of a the full day hourly Streams.

As you can see, the number of GP streamers ARE HIGH during the day until early evening, and goes down during midnight.

Which is why cont.-
cont. Which is why WE CAN CHART HIGH at Night. ranking depends on the other songs, and with how we are based on fan streaming, our numbers are expected to be stable throughout the day (see yellow line).

What does this mean? It means that IF WE WANT to secure - cont.
cont. - our charting on daily, WE NEED to CHART higher during the DAY as this is the peak hours w/ a lot of GP using the platform.

using our night rankings as basis for our charting is not enough! If we can't chart higher during the day, It WILL BE HARD to chart on the daily.
Another POINT that I have to stress here is that- Daily Charts is based off on Streams + Downloads and tracked from 12Noon the prev day until 12noon that day.

So, our realtime charting during the morning will greatly AFFECT our Daily Charting for that day.
Sharing with everyone all the Hourly stream numbers that we have:

each songs are around 5-10 ranks away from each other, BUT their difference in hour streams are SO CLOSE.

That's HOW Sensitive the CHART is.

What does this mean? YOUR 1 CONSISTENT UL MATTERS.
ugh the amount if typos i have sorry this is my ADD acting up.
*still don't understand
*why do we have
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