I don’t know why my main is suspended... I received no reason. However, as soon as I was gone, blatant islamophobia, racism, and sexism popped up all over Twitter. Here’s a small sample. FIRST OF ALL, men celebrating after chasing women away from political spaces is no surprise.
It’s always been more covert... but I guess the fact that they didn’t have to face me gave them more confidence. They went full mask-off. SECOND OF ALL... using me to glorify someone who is actively committing genocide against fellow Muslims?? That is low.
I’m a Pakistani-American Muslim. Not long ago Pakistan and India were one. A beautiful culture and coexistence... as there should be. My recent ancestors were converts. my parents were born in India... the migration was so chaotic who knows if I still have family in India.
Modi and the BJP want an ethnic cleansing of all Muslims in india. There are nearly 1000 estimated civilian casualties from drone strikes in Pakistan. IN WHAT WORLD is this okay to joke about. In what would is it okay to stay silent while people are spewing this bs...
How can you claim to stand up for minorities when you pull them down constantly. You don’t. You only care about certain minorities, face it. And don’t even think about playing the China card... you wouldn’t care if the US and China were allies. Don’t use people’s suffering...
To your advantage. That is despicable. Look at your fucking privilege. You’re lucky as shit... others aren’t. People are dying and it isn’t a joke. If they were any other religion, any other ethnicity, you would be outraged. But you aren’t. That says a lot.
This happens way too often. This constant dog piling and bigotry isn’t rare.... it is sexist, islamophobic, racist, and it really does hurt. How could you expect it not to.
I try my best to be kind, spread love, and leave a good impact on the world. I don’t hesitate to stand up for others. It isn’t too much to ask for those people to stand up for me too... thank you so much to everyone who has. Those who ignored everything, your silence is loud.
You can follow @ShanayaPremjee.
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