It's just Tuesday evening. Here's what's new on the permaweb already this week 👇:

@TateBerenbaum and co have cracked nested PSTs -- allowing profit sharing token contracts to own other PSTs.

This will rapidly pave the way for the creation of PST funds -- both community run and VC 'GP style' -- as well as automated index funds. 2/11
...and it looks like this is well timed, as @al_morris__ 's @openkoi profit sharing community is gearing up to print millions of PSTs as part of their new attention mining process.

Stay tuned for much more on this!

Powerful Arweave-based protocols so simple they fit into a single tweet are catching on: 4/11
A group from the community have started their own Arweave news network: 5/11 

@germany_beal started building a completely new on-boarding flow for bringing users and developers into the permaweb ecosystem. 6/11
Meanwhile, @rosmcmahon_real started to test his new user experience flow -- giving a few free tokens to any newbie to the permaweb that can prove ownership of a human-operated Twitter account. 7/11
On the frontlines to make the dev experience even better, the gateway squad led an effort resulting in an >20x speed up in some queries.

Incredible progress ahead of the launch of the Amplify incentivised gateway network PSC on Arweave. 8/11
@lucacervone gave SmartWeave an incredible cypherpunk DevX refresh, too 😎 9/11
...and signed the first Arweave transactions from a physical Ledger device 😉.

As well as supporting the base layer Arweave protocol, the Ledger integration has native support for all of the PSTs in the ecosystem, too.

Working with this community is just incredible.

The permaweb ecosystem is unstoppable. 11/11
...oh, and it looks like @CopperHQ are on-boarding the first institutional clients to their custom-built custodial solution, too. Great to see!

You can follow @samecwilliams.
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