Speaking as an armed citizen who observes all applicable laws, I would be very wary of going back to a workplace where my colleagues almost got me killed and subsequently insisted on being able to be armed in said workplace
We are moving ever closer toward the possibility of an incident between members of Congress that would make Brooks's caning of Sumner look like en elementary-school recess fight
Put another way: a gun-fetishizing member of Congress, who faces censure for disobeying the sergeant of arms and tweeting leadership's location during the siege, now makes a public show of circumventing security measures. Sounds like a flashing signal to extremist groups to me.
Of course, she will protest that she's merely conspicuously demonstrating her "right." But even if it was her right -- and it isn't, that's a novel invention -- the gun culture that I was raised in taught me to see firearms as tools, not as status items for virtue signaling
These people approach gun rights the way they approach speech rights: without any sense of responsibility for their use whatsoever. I was raised to enjoy common rights within the limits of common responsibilities. But the new rightism makes a value of being erratic and antisocial
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