BREAKING -- Small WA Town Government Overthrown by QAnon Mayor

Wearing a "thin blue line" punisher pin, open QAnon supporter William Armacost, the unelected Mayor of Sequim, WA, in closed exec session fired the city manager yesterday.

There's lots more to the story... (1/)
All four votes to eliminate the well-liked city manager, Charlie Bush, came from unelected, appointed extremist conservative councilmembers. Armacost himself has never been elected. All four serve as part of what appears to be a coordinated far-right recruitment effort (2/)
Armacost refused to conduct the meeting in public and forced Bush's resignation in a closed executive session, giving no information.

Councilman Brandon Janisse, a dissenter, apologized to the City Manager and denounced what was happening. (3/)
It is heavily rumored that Bush was terminated because he *allegedly* refused to illegally reject permits and authorizations for a drug treatment clinic being opened by a local Tribal Nation over extreme conservative pushback.

Bush also openly criticized Mayor... (4/)
For promoting QAnon on a public broadcast on behalf of the official City of Sequim government. Likewise, Bush contradicted Armacost by acknowledging systemic racism was a problem at the height of #blm summer.

There's a lot more coming. Stay tuned. (5/)
In the interim, the City Government of Sequim is in control of a QAnon cult believer who actively made excuses for extremist mobs in his town who displayed intimidating and racist behavior over the summer.

There's no telling what is next. (6/)
To correct an earlier mistake, Armacost is not "unelected" -- he was just elected in 2019 in an uncontested low-profile election to the Council. The biker and salon owner was made Mayor by a council vote.

The other three votes were all appointed. (7/)
Unclear if Bush has even informally agreed to negotiate to resign.

It'll be interesting to see if the secretive vote to force resignation was procedurally correct and inappropriate... and what happens if Bush refuses to resign.
Sequim has "weak mayor" city gov that vests most responsibility in its professional hired administrator.

The Mayor just chairs meetings, does ceremonial duties, gets minimal nominal pay.

Armacost and his crew abruptly taking over breaks local norms and empowers him. (9/)
America gone crazy: Enjoy this public comment politely requesting that Mayor William Armacost of Sequim, WA -- a QAanon devotee -- refrain from acts of insurrection, terrorism, or murder, all delivered in a deadpan worthy of the Office Space boss.
A town that has explicitly chosen a local gov model with weak mayor/council are being ruled by 3 unelected extremists and a Q-pilled Mayor who got on council because he was only candidate to register for an obscure local election.

Literally no one voted for this.
As Q-pilled Mayor William Armacost attempts a hostile takeover of the Sequim, WA city government by suddenly firing city leadership with help of three appointed councilpersons, a reminder who he is: This guy's still waiting for JFK Jr. to show up and help him fight the DEMONcrats
QAnon Mayor William Armacost, the would-be Q-pilled Robespierre taking over Sequim, WA City Government, fired the city manager only months after the city manager publicly walked back the Mayor RECRUITING FOR QANON ON OFFICIAL CITY GOV RADIO BROADCAST.
Every source connects QAnon Mayor William Armacost firing Sequim, WA City Manager Charlie Bush to anger over a Tribal addiction treatment facility that conservatives wanted Bush to illegally stop despite Bush lacking authority to go beyond established process.

Sound familiar?
Extremism doesn't just exist in poor rural communities. To address misconceptions I keep seeing in thread: Sequim is an affluent, well-educated, beautiful seaside town. I once lived there. I have many friends there. It's not some backwater redneck town in the middle of nowhere.
It illustrates the fact that Trump/Qanon/FB has radicalized suburban upper middle class types (like salon owners and small town city councils) to the point that they are open to overthrowing the government that's so scary.

This is a broad issue that cuts through class/geography.
QAnon Mayor's secret executive session forcing resignation of Sequim, WA City Manager was illegal under the WA open public meetings act.

The council immediately voted once out of exec session, then adjourned. They violated rules about employment decisions needing to be public.
For QAnon Putsch in Sequim, WA to be compliant with the law, would require the city council to have made no conversation about their final decision on the city manager in exec session.

That seems impossible given the immediate vote and adjournment once out of exec.
Major updates coming. Two things I can confirm currently:

--Sequim City Manager Charlie Bush has not formally resigned, is still at job.

--However, if his resignation becomes effective, the majority led by QAnon Mayor Armacost can directly appoint an interim of their choosing
Third major update: thanks to uproar, Sequim, WA citizens organized a grassroots effort to thwart firing of Bush & to retake community control of the Council currently led by Qanon Mayor.

They are correctly identifying keeping Bush from resigning as most urgent current focus.
Since early posts had misinfo due to council's lack of transparency, 2 clarify:
--council emerges from exec session, votes to direct atty to negotiate city manager resignation.
--city manager has not agreed to resign
--city refuses to clarify why vote occurred, what's happening
until city manager resigns, or is formally terminated for cause, he is still in control of city government.

If resignation becomes official, Q-Anon majority can appoint like-minded city administrator to exercise manager's enormous executive authority.
One more key point:

--The vote is legally dubious.
--Attorneys I have spoken to (I'm a former WA gov exec) say city manager likely has huge lawsuit if he wants
--Totally unclear what future holds.
Sequim City Councilman Brandon Janisse answered some questions on the record on the sudden firing of the City Manager. A former Republican candidate for County Commissioner, Janisse aggressively spoke up against the actions of Council both before and after the Exec session. /1
Councilman Janisse can't speak about specifics of exec session. But he did provide key info:

"The city manager [Charlie Bush] is still in charge of the day to day operations of the city, and we have an assistant city manager, Charisse Deschenes." (Photo of Bush) /2
I asked if Bush resigned, would the majority led by Mayor Armacost that took the most recent vote also have the ability to simply appoint an interim city manager of their choosing as soon as there's a vacancy?

Councilman Janisse: "You are correct."

(Photo of QanonMayor) /3
On city gov: "The city operates under the council/manager form of government. I think of it like the Queen of England. Mayor is more of a ceremonial role who presides over the meetings and some outside events, but the city manager handles the day to day ..." photo from @KONP1450
Cont'd "The council, at least to my knowledge, has no increased authority in the absence of a city manager. If a city manager were to be fired/resign then the council would need to appoint an interim city manager until a new one was hired ..." Me: interim manager appt is the risk
Thanks to Councilman Janisse for answering my questions. Nothing in his response should be construed as agreement with me or an endorsement of my positions/analyses.
Thanks to @SteveBunin for finding this feed and working with me, @KING5Seattle will be running a feature imminently and throughout the day about the situation in Sequim. @KING5Seattle is the dominant TV news institution in the Pacific Northwest. This should have a major impact.
To correct, the story was mentioned on the Above the Fold feature just now and throughout the day, but the full story will be coming soon and is in process.
Thanks to King-5, the numbers moved too fast and I missed the opportunity to freak out my Q followers by posting when it reached exactly 666,666.

But thanks to everyone, especially @MarkAmesExiled and @KeithOlbermann, for bringing attention to this story. It's made a difference.
Thanks to @SteveBunin again for ensuring coverage of this important story. Look forward to Eric's piece.
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