We get a ton of messages from people asking for advice on helping loved ones leave/“wake up” from Mormonism.

Leading cult experts say it’s almost impossible to deprogram someone who’s in a cult. The success rate is extremely low.
It’s a better use of energy to focus on becoming healthier and happier yourself while finding a way to love and accept your Mormon loved ones exactly as they are. This often involves doing self-healing work and learning how to set appropriate boundaries for yourself.
Love is an effective change-maker. If you treat people like their differing beliefs are their identity, they will cling to them like they’re their identity. Find ways to connect with LDS loved ones that don’t involve religion. Show appreciation for things you love about them.
Your goal shouldn’t be to get someone out of Mormonism (though I understand the desire), but to genuinely love them without needing them to change.

Obviously decide for yourself what kind of relationship is healthy for you but yeah. Good luck. 💜
Cannot recommend the book “Non-Violent Communication” highly enough. Also “Inner Bonding”.
You can definitely answer questions about your beliefs honestly when asked. That can be really effective. But there’s a reason lots of members never ask loved ones why they left—they don’t want to know. It’s too threatening to them. Those who ask are typically more open-minded.
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