I keep saying this - being accidentally really good in 2018 set this team back.
It seemed to justify the selection of Mitch.
It seemed to justify the Mack trade. Both of these borrowed off of the future - a dearth of top level talent able to be drafted.
Cody Parkey's missed kick masked all of the very visible concerns about the team.
So in 2019, hey we're only a kicker away. A lot of jokes were made about the search for a kicker - meanwhile the quarterback was struggling to really establish himself in camp.
The depth on the offensive line is collapsing. The depth at defense is collapsing. Dudes start getting hit by the injury bug readily.
There's no one to back them up. But hey, they won 4 of the last 6 games and got back to 8-8. Once everyone's healthy and back, everything will be fine!
It's March 2020. Your quarterback struggled last year. You gotta fix it. Who is available? That guy? No, not him. Hey Nick Foles. Sure, he can't seem to keep a starting job for the freaking Jaguars, but he's just the guy to push young Mitchell.
The season starts. Oh no, Mitch is bad? Who could have seen that coming? But the defense can still hold together and keep you in games, and so you win with some late game heroics. The quality of your opponents may be sus, but hey, it's a weird season.
Ah crap, Mitch is struggling bad now. Turn to Nick! Hey Nick did something well. Awesome.

Uh oh, the good opponents are on the schedule now. And hey there's that injury bug again. Luckily you have all that depth from the first round picks you drafted.
Oh crap, no wait. You didn't have any of those picks because you traded them all away.

Well, anyhoo, the defense seems to start loafing a bit because they're never in position to make a play anyways.
Phew, you finally made it through that rough stretch. Yeah, I mean, you lost them all, but no worries! You get to play the teams who have all packed it in already.
Ah crap, you gotta beat Green Bay to get yourself in the playoffs. They curbstomp you because you are incapable of guarding their receivers or scoring your own points.

But no worries! You tripped into playoffs because NFL wanted more TV money to offset the gate.
Your defense held you in the game most of the length despite the fact that the offense scored 3 points in the first 58 minutes of the game.

Clearly, the blame is on the defensive coordinator and not the guy who traded away the draft picks and screwed up quarterback 3 times.
So bring back Ryan Pace and give him one more draft. Surely he can't screw the QB position up again, right?
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