Measures contrary to science - therefore - intended to maintain a state of fear - therefore - fear is cover to install their real plans of a new "normal" :
- complete surveillance to prevent surges of new political movements, ... /2
2/ ... - crash of middle-class economy to gut middle-class and small-business power,
- Martial law apparatus to kill politically potent protest movements (Yellow Vests, etc.)
- realistic cover for the USA election coup
- ability to crush nationalist (national democracy) movements
3/ ... - install yearly vaccinations to enshrine dependence, and to coerce protection money from the public purse
- create vaccine borders to isolate China, as needed if it does not comply, and to isolate Russia
- create demand for their new e-currency, via their vaccine scam
4/ ... - prevent travel of free citizens, kill international freedom of movement
- target independent thinkers as "anti-science", "deniers", dangerous agents of transmission, etc.
- education and work all via computer for complete virtual environment control.
- etc.
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