Ppl reasonably express concern that fed crackdown on white supremacists will translate to greater policing of Blk & brown ppl, but what is the basis for assuming that we’re in a better position *without* the federal crackdown happening right now? And what is the alternative? 1/
Ensuring the white supremacist threat is defeated & dismantling racist institutions WHILE CHALLENGING policing agencies & govt efforts to create false equivalence b/w white supremacists & anti-fascists, Black & brown activists, etc describes the longstanding conflict itself... 2/
...If we accept that disparate harm to Blk activism is always an inevitability, then every tactic is futile, the outcome is predetermined, it’s impossible to defeat white supremacy w/o Blk activism facing greater negative consequences & we’d be better off not agitating at all 3/
The more significant question is—

what all what must be done to defeat white supremacy AND attempts to ramp up racist policing against Blk & brown folks at same time?

B/c leaving white supremacist fascists to carry out attacks w/o significant disruption is not an option 4/4
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