PSA thread on 101 skin cancer, since I've had it for almost 40 years: if in doubt about changes in skin featuring a mole out of control or a weird red spot, get it checked out by a dermatologist. Don't self-diagnose by googling images of what skin cancer looks like 1/n
Go to a dermatologist rather than a GP for a possible skin cancer,, in my experience. A good GP will refer you to a dermatologist. If in South Florida, research the reputation of dermatologist. Some of them are scummy & make money with unnecessary biopsies, which are ugly. 2/n
There are 3 types of skin cancer. Basal cell will not kill you, but if they get too big they might have to graft skin from your butt to repair. Squamous can metastasize and kill you if near a mucus membrane. Melanoma can definitely kill you. 3/n
If you're diagnosed with a skin cancer, they will likely suggest Mohs surgery, which works this way: They cut out what they can see, cauterize & have you wait while they check the corners of what they've extracted for cancer. If they find it, they'll do more cutting 4/n
I've had Mohs with 5 rounds of cutting. The result is taking out the cancer but leaving you with (in my cases) a quarter-size cauterized skinless zone. If it's on your face, go to a plastic surgeon for close. Trust me. 5/n
With melanoma, they will put a divot in you, as it seems they take some surrounding flesh. Ugh, this thread about skin cancer has gotten too depressing. Just wear sunscreen, put it on your kids relentlessly and avoid this shit-show. And take vitamin D :)
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