So YOU want to be better at sex?

These are 9 “remedies” that will improve your sex immediately.

#9 is the most important

1.) Pomegranates:

Pomegranates are a major antioxidant that also does wonders in clearing out plaque from arteries.

It is known as Peruvian Viagra. Peruvians have used this for centuries if their penis can’t get hard. It will make your erections 10-25% stronger.
2.) Workout Before:

Working out will boost your testosterone. This testosterone boost will subtly influence how you act AND strengthen your erection.

The dominance you portray will make you a more desirable lover, knowing you’re doing better will have you enjoying the act more.
3.) Semen Retention:

Having additional sperm in your reservoir will dramatically boost your sexual energy, especially if you’re not used to the energy surplus.

This will also boost your testosterone as well, once again, different sex and stronger erections.
4.) Boron:

Make sure you’re getting adequate Boron intake. This is going to up your Free-Testosterone levels.

This is different than regular T levels because it is the amount of testosterone your body has available to use.
5.) Make your sperm not gross:

You’ve heard pineapple alters the taste of your sperm, but have you heard of these others?

Citrus, bananas, celery, cinnamon and parsley.

Producing the best sperm and saving it will have you treasure it.

Treasure it and so will your partner.
6.) Stop Jacking off:

There is nothing good about this. STOP DOING IT!

If your primary sexual relationship is with yourself, you will surely LOSE the ability to connect w/ another.

To not be able to divinely connect, you are doing yourself and your partner a disservice.
7.) Stop using condoms:

Sex was not supposed to be had with condoms. It decreases intimacy/sensitivity for both people involved.

“What if they have a disease?”

Don’t be having sex w/ anyone that you think may have something.

Have it only w/ someone you trust. Have it raw!
8.) Stop having sex with so many people:

The reason women don’t want to have sex with you is bc you want to have sex w/ everyone!

You don’t look at it for what it is, the ultimate consummation of love.

Because you don’t look at it like that, no one does! (1/2)
The only people you should be having sex with are people that value sex just as highly as you do.

If it can be taken by everyone, I promise you NO ONE really wants it.

The less people you have sex with, the better. It is a divine union, not a physical release. (2/2)
9.) Stop trying to be good at it:

This is borderline the most important one. The reason you aren’t amazing at it is because you try to be.

Do or do not, there is no try.

You naturally learn how to have sex better, it is not something a book can show you.

It is natural. (1/3)
Learning how to have sex is a lot less like learning math and a lot more like learning how to walk.

You body knows, stop getting in its way.

Trust your intuition and rely on the communication being relayed by her body. Her reactions will tell you yes/no. (2/3)
If you don’t rely on her body language, you’re going to force her have to tell you what to do.

Or worse, she won’t say anything and you’ll just stay bad at it.

But if there is one thing she doesn’t want to do, it’s to instruct you.

Listen to the unspoken and thrive! (3/3)
Hope you all gained some insight to this.

Try to keep your virginity if you still have it.

Sex is not just a physical act. It is the total intertwining of mind, body and spirit.

It is where two become one.

Reach for new heights gentleman, or stay the same.

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