Men: "I just wanna explore my options and get myself together before I settle down."

Also men: "Lori Harvey is jumping from man to man and you're a hoe if you do the same."

And before one of y'all say "but she's a fEmALe" hear me clearly: It does not matter.

No, it doesn't.
They lied to you. Your whole life.
Vaginas don't stretch.
Energy transfers via the closeness of intimacy period, not sex.
Sexual soul ties are not a thing.
Also dating does not automatically mean having sex. Women & men are sometimes in the same place together without fucking
How women gonna know who they might even wanna marry if they don't DATE THEM FIRST? (I keep asking this question and nobody has an answer).

Nobody's ok (women either) with the idea that women can discriminately chose their partners and their timing, and y'all really gotta relax
Y'all don't wanna marry Lori Harvey? You're in immense luck that it isn't an option for you.

Don't wanna marry someone who moves like that? They're likely not looking for you.

So boom! You good. Shut up.
I know ALOT of men who married the quiet girl who never went no where or did nothing or had a significant life outside of being a girlfriend waiting to be a wife and guess what: They bored as hell. Were bored as soon as the newness wore off.
You're getting a PARTNER not a CAR.
The wives bored too bc they realized how many experiences they missed.
I think men get shit confused bc when men say they wanna be single, it's because they imagine there are all these women they'll miss the opportunity to bag. When WOMEN say we wanna be single, it's because we don't feel like dealing with the emotional labor of being with y'all.
So men assume that women not rushing to settle down are on a dick quest when in actuality we just want tranquility and ease in our own damn lives.
It's why so many divorced women come out of marriages like "Yeah I'm good on that"
No, women don't want men who say they don't want to settle down but also want women to only date them and/or not tell women they don't want to settle down until they're basically in a relationship. But most women actually have no problem with how men dated before them. Difference
I have never in my life heard a woman say "He just dated so many women before me, girl. What will people think?"
Last thing (I think): you know why it used to be key for women to "win" a husband? For the entire family's standing & finances. And at a young age to provide children & heirs. But unmarried men of a certain age lost standing in the community, too.
Then later a husband was necessary for personal financial security bc women couldn't have credit/own property. Or to have kids bc doing so outside of marriage was scandalous.
But now? It's really about enhancing each other's lives as partners. But our attitudes haven't caught up.
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