Thread. If Trump had taken action already, the media and Congress would do exactly what they did on the 6th. Run the news cycles as “TRUMP ATTEMPS COUP” and Congress, 99% of them, would vote for BOTH the 25th and Impeachment. He would be arrested and gone forever. The movement
would be over, snuffed out. Back to the status quo for all of eternity. Never again would we have even a say in how our elections were conducted. Now, Congress meets two more times I believe. Impeachment will fail. Then Trump makes the move. For four days, give or take.....
he activates the EBS, shuts down MSM, and lays out evidence. All of it, including the DNI report and everything we’ve seen come out of Italy, Ukraine and Russia just these past few days. That’s where you get your arrests. The military is already deployed and awaits orders from
Civilian leadership. The Trump administration is that leadership. Right now what he is doing is masterful, and what’s required during this what should be lame duck period. What are Pelosi and the Dems doing? Absolute panic, and we all know why. Annnd SCENE..stay frosty Patriots.
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