Unprecedented letter from Joint Chiefs of Staff ......as service members we support and defend the constitution.......on Jan 20 ....President elect Biden will be inaugurated as President and our 46th Commander in Chief

This is not normal 1/ https://twitter.com/davidallengreen/status/1349119329938399234
This is the military in the face of Trump’s attempted Self Coup last Wednesday asserting that it will hold firm and uphold the constitution

You will remember Trump cleared out the senior staff at Defense . With a purpose

Which failed last week . But it’s not yet over 2/
#FionaHill highlights what defines Trump’s attempted Self Coup . Where a Leader seeks to retain power by setting aside an election result

Alarming similarities between Trump , Erdogan and Maduro

US Institutions are being stress tested by Trump like never before 3/ https://twitter.com/brucemcd23/status/1348987703786876928
You can follow @brucemcd23.
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