It is a great ill that befalls the Left when it frames the UK as some progressive institution. This is pure dogma. It is clear that so many of the British Left are content to merely occupy the structures of power rather than dismatle the cause of inequality.

The Tories represent two clear strands; Capital and Social Conservativism. They also represent a political tradition that stretches back through the centuries when the UK was forged on the basis of class hegemony of capital and imperial expansion.

While the empire may be gone and we be no colony there exists a structure which has clear parallels. That is the core-periphery econo-political model that describes the centralized British State. I believe this👇can be scaled to the British State

It is a genuine iniquity that the British Progressive Left posseses such a deliberate blindspot. Time and again the mere occupation of these power structures has led only to politically topological changes that are easily reversed by the Tories.

We are yet to witness a genuine reform of the UK state. Home rule and reform of the Lords remain as unlikely as ever. Elitist private education is availed of by leading figures on the Left.

As the Tories openly milk the golden cow it has created for themselves, so British Progressives apply the fig leaf of the projections of their proclaimed values on an ostensibly conservative and unequal class derived UK. This is unicorn politics.

One such diffuse and woolly argument goes; "I have more in common with the working people of (insert urban English city/region name here) than I do the landowners of Wales." As if this has anything whatsoever to do with the right of Wales to self-determination.

You could extend this argument to any other country or region of the World. It is patently ridiculous. So in what way does Wales' inclusion in the UK help the people of Newcastle better than we could if in possession of our statehood? Do our votes make the difference at WM?

The fact the Tories are the UK's greatest cheerleaders and wrap it up in an affected patriotism should sound an alarm for British progressives but they appear tone deaf to it!

This has cost the Labour party dearly in Scotland albeit a few established figures elsewhere eg Clive Lewis, Ben Bradshaw, Mick Antoniw etc appear to be waking up to the reality.

The dissolution of the UK should be seized upon as an opportunity by progressives in all the British Nations to fundementally reform the distribution of power and end the structural inequalities that feed the class/capitalist hegemony of the Tories.

#DissolveTheUnion is the first step in the meaningful progressive reform of Britain. The establishment of 3 new Nation States and a British Council a la Benelux rooted in the principles of democracy, self-determination & subsidiarity is our path towards social justice.

This will only be the beginning of the journey. Principles are not sufficient alone. But social justice is not possible in a Tory rigged UK no matter who occupies the positions of government. They merely preside over the continuation of the problem.

The ad hominem "seperatist" must be abandoned by progressives. It echoes the language of the Right. We Statists are the reformers. We seek the political agency to affect social progress in our nations.

We don't seek independence on the basis of exceptionalism but of democracy & self-determination. The UK from the progressive perspective isn't fit for purpose or reformable. It must be dismantled & a new relationship est'd between our Nations founded in respect & equality.

This will also be to England's advantage. An English State will by necessity have to reconsider its world view. It will also need cooperation with Europe in order to thrive. This will be a reckoning and it will require cultural & societal change.

That is the opportunity England's progressives must take to reform their country and rebuild it as a modern European Nation.

It's high time to put the dogma of the past behind us and allow the UK one last hurrah in peacefully bequething to us 3 new States and a fourth reunited as it passes into history.

We will have solidarity if we build anew together as free nations. We will have internationalism when we dismantle the Tory hegemony and rebuild our relationships with our neighbours in Europe and beyond.

It's time. #DissolveTheUnion #indyWales #Annibyniaeth

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