in life, you’re going to do the wrong thing sometimes. the ways you cope might harm others. your choices might have negative consequences for the people around you. it’s really upsetting, but the only thing you can do is try again, grow from it, do better, and forgive yourself.
there are people who are going to see you in a negative light if you’ve messed up. that doesn’t define who you are, but there’s nothing you can do to change their perception once damage it done. everyone is entitled to their own idea of you. that’s something you have to let go of
ultimately, you only have control over your actions, and if you make mistakes, it’s your responsibility to learn from them and change. the goal shouldn’t be to undo the harm that was done. you can’t. you just need to apologize and move forward, whatever that looks like for you.
if you’re only changing your ways to get people to see you a certain way, that’s not sustainable. i understand the urge, but that’s not authentic change. it’s not going to help you and it especially won’t help them. your future is still open wide, focus on that. focus on growth.
you’re the one you have to spend your entire life with. maybe you’ve fucked up, hurt people, hurt yourself, but it already happened. it’s in the past. if you’re doing what you can to be better, you’re already doing enough. you deserve kindness and patience from yourself. always.
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