To all those like @toadmeister and @allisonpearson who lie about the effect covid is having on hospitals.

I have sent you endless data - which you have ignored as (oddly) your version of "free speech does not seem to include debate.

I can now speak from personal experience
Following a drop in my sats yesterday, I called 111 - who put me in touch with ambulance services (as I am already covid positive).

About 1 am an ambulance crew (Nat and Becky - thank you) came & assessed me, then took me to the Countess of Chester under mild oxygen
They were from the Wirral - there were no units available for Cheshire for me at that time

As with most hospitals, Chester is segregated into Red (hot) zones and blue to avoid X contamination.

Over the course of the night, I have had a chest X-ray, ecg & multiple blood tests
To get better data, they also ran arterial blood tests - these are painful & can be difficult to take as they are from the wrist.

I have been injected with Dex and a full range IV - there may have been other things as well, I lost track
Key thing was to get my blood ox back to normal without the need for additional oxygen.

Thankfully they did - ambulance crew of 2, 2 doctors, 2 radiographers, 3 porters, several nurses - plus all the staff I am NOT aware of - managed to turn me around and back home by 8am today
I did get to speak to them - they are exhausted

They are worried about the known oxygen shortages

They worry about making errors because they are so tired

They are all - without exception - utterly bloody magnificent

NONE of them see this as normal
So, now with personal authority

@toadmeister @allisonpearson @IsabelOakeshott @MichaelYeadon3

Stick your lies and self serving shite sideways where the sun don't shine
To well wishes - I am fine

In many ways my symptoms are mild - I am not struggling to breathe, which a number in there last night were.

DO wear a mask
DO clean & sanitise
DO be smart lucky
DO follow sensible advice for as long as is necessary
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