Did #AZ04 Congressman Paul Gosar want a civil war?

New video "Sedition Must Be Punished" from @PushpinThirdeye. Without consequences it will get worse, it’s time to #RemovePaulGosar.
Anyone organizing to “pressure congress” by disrupting the peaceful transition of power should not be allowed in a building their followers vandalized and desecrated. Don’t coddle domestic terrorists, even if they are in congress. #RemovePaulGosar
Did Gosar push a worldview that we are already in a civil war? What planning has he done with Oathkeepers and Proudboys? Can we heal or unify if a traitor to the nation is in congress? #RemovePaulGosar
Follow the research from @PushpinThirdeye & please follow @YavapaiDemocrat to help gather support.

With 1000 signatures today @change may feature this #RemovePaulGosar petition, please sign and RT 👇🙏 https://buff.ly/2LHOlaD 
You can follow @IndivisPrescott.
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