The timeline I've posted relies heavily on DoD timelines, since they are the only group to produce official timelines. However, those official timelines are contradicted heavily by MULTIPLE people's recountings of their interactions with the DoD on 1/6.
One major question I had coming out of putting together the timeline is that Sund told multiple members of Congress USNG would back-up USCP. The DoD timelines contradicted that and said he had not requested back-up.
The DoD timeline says on Sunday 1/3, they confirmed with Sund that USCP would not need back-up from the National Guard.

In the WaPo interview, Sund says he initially asked Senate & House security officials for support, and the request was denied by them.
"Senate Sergeant at Arms Michael Stenger suggested that Sund should informally seek out his Guard contacts, asking them to 'lean forward' and be on alert in case Capitol Police needed their help."

DoD says when they spoke with Sund, he declined.
DoD said Sund declined again on 1/4, in a conversation with @SecArmy Ryan McCarthy.
Sund told WaPo he requested support on the day of the attack 5 separate times and was "rejected or delayed."

According to the DoD timeline the first request came from Sund at 1:49 PM local. DoD didn't approve until 3 PM.
Sund claims he got on a conference call with DoD at 2:26 PM, but that is not included in either DoD timeline, either the press release by @SecArmy's office or the DoD memo.
However, Sund says he was on the call with DC officials as well, and there is a DoD call with DC officials listed in the memo timeline at 2:22:
On this call, according to Sund, Lt. Gen. Walter E. Piatt, director of the Army Staff, who reports to @SecArmy, apparently said he couldn't recommend his boss send National Guard into the Capitol due to "visuals." This is confirmed by other sources.
John Falcicchio, Mayor Bowser's Chief of staff, recalled Sund telling DoD, "The situation is dire."

“Literally, this guy is on the phone, I mean, crying out for help. It’s burned in my memories.”
DoD shrugged it all off to WaPo: Sund didn't request help before the attack or make contingency plans and NG can't be deployed quickly like law enforcement.

They ignore, of course, their Quick Reaction Force was also on stand-by and did not respond.
Sund said they were aware of threats online ahead of the protest and later attack, but they didn't take them seriously: "'You might see rhetoric on social media. We had seen that many times before,' he said. 'People say a lot of things online.'"
Sund says he talked to Maj. Gen. William J. Walker on the evening of 1/4 to ask for informal back-up and was told Walker could get him 125 personnel "fairly quickly."

DoD timeline says Sund declined support again on the 4th.
"Over the weekend, Sund had also conferred with D.C. Police Chief Robert J. Contee III, who also had offered to lend a hand if trouble arose."

MPD was also overwhelmed and attempted to call in NG for back-up and was rebuffed. So. There's that.
A critical thing Sund mentions is that Sund and other USCP officers were pulled away from the Capitol to respond to the pipe bombs found at the RNC and DNC offices, right as Trump's speech was ending.

He now believes it was deliberate.
Sund initially asked Stenger & Irving to call in the request for back-up from NG at 1:09 PM, according to Sund. Several minutes later, they had not requested ANY back-up from anyone. Yikes.
This article is really rambling. Apparently on the 2:26 phone call, they finally got DoD to agree to call in NG for back-up...but @SecArmy wasn't on the call.

DoD timeline, however, says @SecArmy *was* on that call...but then told WaPo he was "busy."
This is why I referred to both DoD timelines as disputed. They are contradicted by all sorts of other people, including themselves.
Sund blames Trump for inciting the crowd, notes that they were far better prepared and organized for violence than just normal 1A activities run amok, and that he worries there's more to come.
It seems like Sund likely told Lofgren and Ryan on 1/5 that he had NG back-up for 1/6 based on his conversation with Maj. Gen. Walker on the evening of 1/4.

That conversation isn't reflected in DoD timeline. I don't know why.
Given the new information, while I definitely think USCP was woefully underprepared and didn't have good intelligence (where did their intelligence come from?), DoD's timeline and information don't make sense, and NUMEROUS sources have confirmed they dragged their feet.
Looks more and more like the disaster on 1/6 can be attributed to DoD and likely Trump's shake-up of DoD back in November.
Just...honestly, who on earth would look at insurrectionists in the Capitol, threatening the lives of 400+ members of Congress, 100 Senators, the Vice President, and all their staffs and supporting staff and go, "Eh, would look worse if the National Guard were in there"?
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