Good article about the treatment of Richmond protesters from last summer.

These oppressive techniques are used by many police dept. with the notable exception of security on Jan 6th at the Capitol of the US.

I wonder what the difference was? We cannot ignore injustice.
Kettling (corralling) police surround protesters
"McIntyre, one of 233 people arrested that night, was trying to return home after police stormed a crowd of demonstrators. An officer provided her directions that led her to a wall of law enforcement personnel wearing riot gear."
This is a tactic that often leads to more confrontation and escalates rather than deescalate a situation.

I've been in protests, being asked by police to disperse, but finding all exit paths blocked. It encourages confrontation and police then use that to justify violence.
"After hours of waiting in the vehicle, she was directed into the jail, where she was told to strip. The guard conducting the search exited the room for about ten minutes, leaving McIntyre standing naked."

Intimidation, humiliation, and purposeful delay of due process
"The Richmond Sheriff’s office did not comment when asked why protesters were held for long periods after a magistrate had said they were being released. "

again purposeful delay in due process

No accountability

And what was the offense?
Breaking a temporary curfew.

Fyi: the majority of property damage at protests were almost always as a result of police violence against peaceful protesters

"Her misdemeanor charge of obstruction of justice with force was dismissed in November,"
So what we don't need is more police powers that can be abused or used w/o community accountability.

We need police forces and public representatives to be held accountable for force used.

We need to focus on the very real threat of white supremacists as domestic terrorists.
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