I've been chewing on what to say about this, and others have said hella smart things. But plenty of my Twitter followers are white men, and I need y'all to understand something.

What we are hearing from many GOPers is the language of the abuser. It's textbook. 1/
I've seen BIPOC call out the language which would blame the people who push back against the supremacy and the desire to rugsweep and go back to racist business as usual. Now I am watching more survivors of parental or partner abuse note how the GOP is pushing for unity. 2/
Whether it's warnings that continuing to demand accountability will be the cause of anger and violence (don't make me hurt you) & our fault or downplaying how bad it was, the language & arguments coming from the GOP is like reading from 'A guide to abusive relationships 101' 3/
I've been in a healthy, supportive partnership for over half my life and my childhood was pretty goddamn fantastic, and yet some of this language rockets me back to a particularly bad relationship in my youth. I can only imagine how hard it is on some. 4/
So, if this is news to you, read up on how abusers convince their victims not to self-advocate, and take up the mantle and push back on behalf of those for whom this is deeply, deeply (re)traumatizing. If you're hurting, place yourself & your well-being first. Fin/
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