I don't think anyone has pointed this out yet: this guy - a spiritualist, eco-fascist white nationalist - is basically a very precise US analogue of Pete Evans.

This specific Venn diagram overlap seems to have a weird sort of power to bubble to the top of media fascinations. https://twitter.com/MelissaBlasius/status/1348740338827939841
I wish I could explain Pete Evans to my Americans here.......um, he's this TV chef who was kooky for years but TV execs ignored it because $$, and now he's using his huge audience to sell wellness stuff and also be wildly pro-Trump and anti-vax.
The wellness / fascist combo is.......I actually get why it's so hard to look away. It's a total departure from the politics we're all accustomed to and it's genuinely dazzling.

But let's get past that and maybe focus on the whole 'fascist' part now
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