Fellow self-publishing types, come 'round, let's have a talk.

It's *great* to ask questions of other authors you respect. But you gotta ask the right questions.

I'm always frustrated if someone asks, "How do I market my book?"

#WritingCommunity #amwriting
Marketing is a HUGE topic. That's like going to a chef and asking, "How do I cook?"

"How do I market my book?" isn't answerable (unless we move in together & talk about it every day. Not gonna happen.)

Fact is, most of us, including me, are doing a hundred things wrong.
Instead of getting overwhelmed by that, we need to focus on doing *one thing better* (then another).

If an author is willing to answer questions, try to ask the RIGHT ones.


-Be SPECIFIC. (Not "Why can't I sell more books?" but "Does this cover work for my genre?")
-Do your HOMEWORK, not expecting another author to give you a full education on self-publishing. (Not "What are Amazon keywords?" but "I read an article on Amazon keywords. Do you think mine are strong?" or "What's the best place for me to learn more about Amazon keywords?")
Hope it's okay for me to do a shoutout to @MariaAPerez1. She and I chat often privately, and she asks the best questions...specific questions that show me she's done her homework. *Answerable* questions. There's a lot I don't know, but I love sharing what I do know!
Most of us want an easy answer. We hold out hope that if we can just find that *ONE THING* we're missing, we'll turn into bestselling authors.

That's almost never the case. For most of us, it's about making a thousand decisions, the best we can...and with the next book,
making a thousand more, but getting a larger percentage of them right. And then improving again. And again.

So focus on your next decision/task, and get specific help on that. Lather, rinse, repeat.
I'm NOT a huge seller or even close, so there's a TON I don't know. (I'm still making a lot of mistakes.)

But I've learned *some* of the ins and outs of self-publishing along the way. So...anyone got any specific, already-did-some-homework questions? 😁
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