"Both sides" and academia - a thread.

Here's the problem with placating right-wing grifters and loons who shout about "liberal indoctrination" from their positions as radio and TV hosts pandering to the nuttiest of the nutty in pursuit of clicks and ad dollars.
Thank heavens the CU Regents are now in the hands of folks who care more about the students and the institution than a political agenda and furthering their own careers.
There's no need to "both sides" things when one side is engaged in a fantasy world where they are somehow the only ones who know what's really going on; and that fantasy world is also populated by white nationalists and nazis.
So, yeah, sure, free speech and all - but just as your freedom to swing your fist ends where my prominent nose begins, your freedom to say anything under the brand of a major state university and an elite private institution ends when it departs from, you know, the real world,
and not only endangers and kills citizens but threatens the very existence of the republic itself.

Sincerely, John Eastman, GFY.

CC: @CUBoulder and @ChapmanU
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