Extremely disappointed in Scott Moe and his government. The half measures put in place before Christmas simply aren't working and numbers continue to rise. This means more people will get sick and more people will die. It's irresponsible and it doesn't have to be this bad.
I still hold out hope that this government will change directions, that Scott Moe will admit that he hasn’t handled the Covid-19 pandemic perfectly and recognize that his approach is devastating our economy, our healthcare system and people’s lives. Every day is an opportunity.
In order to make the best decisions we need all the information available but the Government has been hiding the Covid-19 modelling from the public. We’re all on this journey together but Scott Moe seems to be the only one who get’s to see the map.
Today we called for more transparency:
👉Weekly forecasting of COVID-19 data
👉Clear thresholds for changes to public health orders
👉Regular comms on surgery cancellations
👉Detailed information on vaccination efforts
👉Detailed inspections of all outbreaks in long-term care
Being open and honest with the people of Saskatchewan about the realities we are all facing is an important part of fighting this pandemic together. The Government owes it to the people of this province #skpoli
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