Wait for it 🧏👂They’ll be screaming “RADICAL LEFT CANCEL CULTURE” to the rooftops.

Wrong. Nobody stopped any of these fascist wannabes from making their seditious claims. 1/
But sponsors, funders, employers and organizations they are part of are not required to continue the association if that association reflects badly on them or is counterproductive to the mission of that group. 2/
For instance, if I made numerous public statements that, in fact, Spongebob Squarepants was the Risen Lord instead of Jesus, you couldn’t call it cancel culture if the Church said I couldn’t teach catechism anymore. 3/
Or maybe I’m an artist commissioned to create peaceful landscapes but deliver only paintings of animal cruelty. Shouldn’t I get paid? After all, I have the right to express myself freely, don’t I? 4/
By this foolish logic, Bill Cosby should still hold all his honorary degrees and be pitching Jello pudding. Jerry Falwell, Jr. should be giving morality lectures at Liberty U, and so on. 5/
America is a free nation, that’s true.

That freedom can be expressed by spreading lies that fuel insurrections ... or by disassociating from those who do. End/
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