A play on 4 acts : Act I : Infiltration :

watch as a “crazy” guy appears from behind the secure part of the Capitol from behind police lines : Inserted
Act II: Action : Fargo Hat over Maga hat Pirelli top, previously crazy man gets given a Kevlar helmet to bash in windows .. (videographer also gets to the front by telling people he has a knife 🔪 😳)
Act III: Exfiltration: Ashli Babbitt shot: our Fargo pirelli Hat guy talks to and and gets permission to walk past the arriving police :: gets behind their tactical line into their tactically cleared space ..
Act IV: Change Disguise: The Fargo hat Pirelli guy having been allowed to safe space landing behind 6/7heavily armed police manages to change his gear and pack it in a bag .. behind police who aren’t looking on there six . (And leather coat lady notices)
What you have just seen ladies and gents is an undercover operative Agent Provocateur (AP) Being inserted into and exfiltrated from the crowd .. original video here
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