Full Lockdown -1

I sit on this balcony night after night, enjoying the quiet of curfew. But there's a dog that barks constantly. I wonder if he's been newly adopted.

A man coughs. Too often and too loudly.

The neighbors fight. Maybe they always did but I couldn't hear them.
Full Lockdown - 10 hours

I'm looking forward to the quiet. The streets are loud today.

There is no bread to be found. Dealer secured me 2 sourdough loaves.

I watched a house getting sanitized this morning and wondered if the patient made it and if I have enough wine.
Full Lockdown Day1

It's eerily quiet, the silence only broken by thunder and the maddening pitter patter of rain.

I've resisted the urge to turn into Betty Crocker so far, so I made a stirfry instead. There is time.

It's cold and our collective demons are on the loose.
The sky was on fire this evening.
Full Lockdown Day2

The storm has passed with a promise of another later in the day.

I am discovering sharp 90° angles and the meaning of 24 hours in a day.

Reminds me of boarding school, when I'd cross out the days to going home.

We wished half our lives away.
Full Lockdown Day2

Long day and an even longer night. Is it too much caffeine or is it too much time?

I thought I'd gone mad hearing things, but my daughter assures me she can hear the rooster too.

Tomorrow, I'll carry an umbrella from the bedroom to the kitchen.
Full Lockdown Day3

I tried today. Got dressed. Made lunch. Painted unicorns with my daughter to find some color in life.

But "the days are not full enough and the nights are not full enough and life slips by like a field mouse, not shaking the grass"
-Ezra Pound.
Full Lockdown Day4

Are we done yet?
Full Lockdown Day5

My little language experiment was fun - for me at least. Yes I know not everyone was a fan but it's fine.

I peeled oranges for the kids, took pictures of clouds, and avoided the covid news.

Self care 💆🏻‍♀️

It's ok to take a break.
Full Lockdown Day6+40 mins

I let my daughter cut my hair today.

No, I didn't.

I ASKED her to cut my hair. It looks fine. In curls. I don't know what will happen when I straighten it but that's a problem for another day, I guess.

Also, will this storm ever end?
Full Lockdown Day7+3minutes

I'm tired of the scene. My eyes want to sprout wings and fly past the walls.

The cold makes me want to move but Covid urges me to stay put.

I sing old church hymns to test my memory. It is intact. I'm hoping my sanity stays that way too.
Full Lockdown Day9

It was a day of good news followed by bad news followed by sad news.

A day of endings and beginnings and a shade of teal that was oh so promising.

I want to dream of being a lone figure walking through Leonid's painting, seeing the world in color.
Full Lockdown Day 10

Woke up to a call that filled me with hope. I am grateful.

Later in the day, COVID snatched another, making it 3 elders we've known this week.

I stepped out of my building to stand in the sun.

And I saw a tree I'd strangely never noticed before.
Full Lockdown Day 30

I want to just ever so eloquently say...
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