As of today the RSE (Relationships & Sexual Education) taught in secondary schools is from a curriculum that is TWENTY-FOUR years old. To put that into context, our last Magdalene Laundry was forced shut only twenty-five years ago. Separation of church and State NOW.
🚨TW//: rape 🚨As the curriculum is 24 years old, it omits topics such as crisis/unplanned pregnancies, homosexual relationships, rape, consent and the list goes on. In a study that I completed myself for the @BTYSTE 71% of students weren’t happy with the sexual education they..
..received. Currently if a teacher discusses topics such as abortion etc, they are liable of facing consequence for teaching a topic not on the curriculum. In the year 2021 schools are allowed to bring in non-regulated organisations to teach “sexual education”. Some of these...
...organisations advocate for abstinence. This is not safe. All students in Ireland need a fully comprehensive sexual education where they received unbiased information in a non-judgemental space. They need an allocated class for this, NOT their religion class. Out of the seven..
..secondary schools I surveyed, 83% of students want a designated RSE class, not RSE being taught in a religion class. Religion has no part, nor place, in our sexual education.
As this thread is getting quite a bit of attention, I would LOVE to hear some of your experiences in regard to the sexual education (or lack of) you received whilst in school 🍆🍑
If this is an area that you feel strongly about, please sign and share the petition below. We need change and we need it now. 
You can follow @RoisinOConnor_.
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