📢A thread about false equivalence📢

If you say there’s a few bad apples in both so they’re the same: BLM are a human rights organization. MAGA is supporting one POLITICIAN. One. There is a power there that he has used to rile them up into a frenzy,
like I’ve never seen in my lifetime with anyone, political or otherwise. He has abused that responsibility over & over by encouraging & applauding violence at his rallies & elsewhere. BLM has an allegiance to NO ONE PERSON, just the cause, & consistently DISCOURAGES violence.
The leader of MAGA sends out OFFICIAL messages like “LIBERATE MICHIGAN” The consequence of that (attempted kidnapping of the gov) was was brushed off & then look what happened on Jan 6. Meanwhile BLM are literally pleading for their lives
and the lives of fellow Americans to be VALUED. It’s a gross insult to compare the two groups in an effort to make him seem “less bad”
Another false comparison is if you say ppl didn’t blame governors or mayors for not calling in the National guard. First, the National guard WAS called in for BLM and second, the gov & mayors weren’t constantly vilifying the police. Local leaders weren’t vilifying republicans /5
gov & mayors weren’t constantly vilifying GOP supporters and calling on Dems to “fight like hell” and “don’t let them get away with it” and “trial by combat” Even if these leaders WERE inciting violence, their words don’t carry as much weight as the POTUS! It’s ridiculous /6
& insulting to pretend that there’s any real comparison. That man has the biggest megaphone on the planet. He abuses it like no other POTUS has & it’s a serious crime that comes with serious consequences. Let’s smash another false equivalence about the violence of the 2 groups /7
Gun violence. Mass shooters. How many of them used MAGA language, if not mentioning him directly? The timing. More than one of these shootings happened during “the invasion” talk on RW media and were racially &/or religiously motivated. How many mass shootings tied to BLM? /8
Feel free to add to this thread and share wherever you see the false equivalence. I’m choking on the audacity of it. The deflection is obscene and suffocating. /9
#MAGATerrorists #BlackLivesMatter
ONE MORE https://twitter.com/janna_bastone/status/1348719742815772673
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