I try to stay out of the health food industry and GMO debate but since I came across this post by @thefoodbabe on IG I’ve felt obliged to reply
Methyl cellulose
- derived from cellulose, primary component of plant cell walls, you eat this when you eat your veggies and anything derived from a plant
- used as an emulsifier, meaning it lets you mix things normally immiscible
- non digestible, non toxic, non allergen
Soy protein (isolate and concentrates)
- defatted soy protein without its water-soluble carbohydrates
- considered a complete source of protein (broad spectrum of amino acids)
- contains isoflavones (phytoestrogens) than can weakly bind estrogen receptors; but no sig clinical efx
- avoid only if you have a soy allergy
Yeast extracts
- are yeast extracts
- used for flavoring, eg glutamine (an amino acid) for umami taste
- non-toxic, non-allergen
Soy leghemoglobin
- oxygen-carrying phytoglobulin found in legumes
- similar to hemoglobin and myoglobin
- used to mimic the color, texture, and taste of meat
- naturally occurring
- you consume this if you eat legumes
- non-toxic
- large amounts safe in animals
- I hate even addressing this
- despite a semi-recent JURY decision there is minimal evidence associating glyphosate with NHL (far from causative), the European Union doesn’t even consider glyphosate a carcinogen
- it is by far one of the safest herbicides targeting a specific enzymatic pathway absent in humans
- this forms the basis for Monsanto’s GMO strain that is engineered to be not affected by glyphosate
- glyphosate alone is non-toxic
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