I'm going to call out some stuff I really like.
I really like it when I see writers and artists and people who create things try things outside their comfort zone. I like seeing people TRY things. I like it when people who don't traditionally make things try it anyway. I believe strongly in an inclusive creative environment.
I ALSO really like seeing people play in their comfort zone. I love the absolute power of "Fuck yeah, that makes me happy." I love seeing a writer's 12th consecutive a/b/o fic, or an artist's 400th bust facing left.
I believe that making things with a good attitude, no matter how inexpert, is better than making things with a shitty/cruel attitude, every time. I believe in supporting people at all stages of their journey as human beings, not as Creators (tm).
I believe in asking people "What are you trying to do?" rather than superimposing a single model of creative success, because the differences in those answers is what makes our creative space diverse and interesting.
I like how we cheer each other on here. I like that it can sometimes be just a big game of "haha and then what" and how much fun that is.
also I like Ferdinand von Aegir I hope he's doing well
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