When House members think they might be prosecuted, sometimes they resign and lay low for awhile, in the hope that the public will forget about them, and the DOJ will decide it's not worth pursuing. I now suspect we'll see some such resignations from House Republican seditionists.
This is NOT inside information, just a gut feeling based on how things are playing out. Incitement to violence is a grey area kind of charge, where prosecutors do have to make a judgement call – and a resignation can potentially make it go away.
That said, when a House member knows for sure they're going to be prosecuted, they tend to remain in office as long as possible, so they can later trade their resignation in exchange for some kind of plea deal.
So if any House Republicans resign over this, it'll probably be the ones who were only indirectly involved in the insurrection.

If any House Republicans did directly conspire with the terrorists, they're going down for sure, so they're the least likely to resign for now.
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