Frequently asked question

I was 17 with $150
doubled with LTC to $300
BTC at $1k crashing to $100
2013-2016 cucked

btc, altcoin, forex, derivatives trades

Losing & reload account

Touched 1Mil
Lost 90% markets dying
MADE IT ALL BACK to lose again
Coping, BACK, lose, half back
What I try to say is

Every fucking time I had that I can become a trader for a living, i fucked up

It's too much pressure.Also take care of my mother & little sister

Too risky trades bc opportunity might not be there tomorrow

Becoming a real one for a living almost impossible
The maths just doesn't add up

Whenever the losing streak or time comes in with bills to pay blocking your account to grow and shrink

Well you need even better trades % to make the same amount.

Active trading daily in crypto & with risk management consistently, nope
Position building worked for me the best actually.Days or months building a giga long pushing 1 BTC to 100 BTC on a yolo account accidentally

But at some point you are on the wrong side or it takes longer and more moves against you

Larger size trading on wrong side is difficult
"You see! Leverage trading is bad!"


You think you can't die because you hold spot? You're in for a surprise.
It's just a miracle that I didn't put a fucking gun in my mouth by now

From 1m to just lose it by holding spot
Or other fuck ups & getting back up

The mental impact this shit has on you lay in bed for 2 weeks and not even getting food

Oh yah you better don't have a gf or wife
Now how are you gonna make it?
Its easier to trade alts bc less competent competition

Most importantly information which can give you an edge

Setting up a trading room with 100 retards is not gonna work.

A room with elite traders ain't gonna work bc non cares to share trust me
Most likely work with less than 8 friends & do projects

Some sources of institutional grade info, or a larger entity you get info from

You can't find good shit on CT with paid subscriptions created by CT bro's

Good info ain't for free either & most likely $1000 a month
But IE

Solana/Serum comes close to having insider info. A billion dollar firm with the CEO telling you what he's building with his reputation at stake & skin in the game

Also shorting won't get you rich anyways tbh. You can only win a limited amount
But yesh trading

It's trying to predict what others do & how one reacts to someone else's order.

Humans aren't rational and you may draw TA, crunch some numbers, gaussian distribution

This isn't physics with defined rules. Also being a maximalist is dumb because rules changes
But anyways since he asked for motivation

I can't provide that. Start doing project's or help other projects

Sadly this isn't a get rich quick & stay rich scheme

From the outside big trader names look fantastic & don't seem to struggle

Grass always greener at the other side
I'm not here to sell you dreams

Some OG's still think they're competent due to past performance but my "luck" streak was there for years

But I know by now that I don't have alpha

However opening a finance book (no not one with charts) helps
My confidence?

I see what I don't know or didn't know even exist. Propaganda like algorithms never work (then learn about delta neutral & inefficiency), books are bullshit and then don't know what a premium is etc etc

I was lucky, risky big trades bc I saw it as my density
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