Back in the late 80’s/early 90’s, during the AIDS crisis, the homophobia, the secrecy, the Equality Shows etc, I was always dreaming of the day when being gay was no longer an issue. When we were no longer defined as ‘gay actors/people’. Just people. Call me naive, but...1.
..I though that was what we were all aiming for. Speaking personally, & for myself only, I always felt that being same sex attracted was the least interesting thing about me.
Clearly, we have swerved so far from that dream. It was a legacy I thought would help gay youngsters..2. the future. Foolishly, I presumed “equality” meant not being treated any differently to anybody else. Not be given special dispensations or put into boxes.
Anyway, that was my own personal dream. I know lots disagree. Fine.

‘Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?’- J.L
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