This was a really good check-in on the Lakers' season thus far by Jovan.

Also to add onto the rim protection point, only 32% of their opposition's shots this season are coming at the rim. Which is actually down from their 36.2% mark last year.
I'm not familiar with Harrell's on/off data with the Clippers but this is a bit surprising, opponents are only attacking the rim 27.2% of the time when he's on the floor (36.9% when off).

They are scoring it well when he's on, but not attacking as often as I would have thought.
On the flip-side, teams are going to the rim MORE when Gasol has been on the floor (37.3% of the time) vs. when he's off (28.3% of the time).

The opposite of Harrell in both regards however, as they are shooting worse with Gasol on vs. off once at the rim.
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