If most of your story is about moving on after a Big Thing, we prob don't need much build-up to that Thing in your first few chapters--esp if nothing special happens before the Thing.
(not a dealbreaker! But something we'll prob. work on if I pick your MS!)
These are ALL so good! Choosing is going to be difficult. I'm taking notes as I read, so I hope to get feedback to the ones I don't choose, even if it's just a few sentences.
There's a STRONG possibility some won't get picked bc they're READY!
I have a process now! I'm less of a chaos demon!
I read the query, then the first chapter. Then, I check the submission question responses for an idea on the author's vision/goals, etc. Then, I read to page 10, finishing a chapter after 10 if I need to. Then synopsis.
#ammteasers process cntd
THEN I sort. "Favorites" if I think I want to request. "Maybe" if I want to give it a second look, but I'm not sure yet. "Likely pass" if I'm not sucked in by 10 pgs (but I will finish the sample, don't worry!), and "Not my genre" for. Not... my genre.
#ammteasers process cntd
I'll finish sample pgs in "Favorites" first, then "Maybe," then "Likely pass" &move subs around if anything changes after reading.
Then, requests!
Some of my faves might be polished enough already, so my pick could just as easily come from a Maybe!
#ammteasers process cntd
This isn't a Best Manuscript Contest; it's a mentorship! So I'll pick a MS whose concept sweeps me off my feet, whose writing stays with me, and who I have a clear vision for how I can help take it to the next level!
Other mentors! What's your process?
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