I'm trying to stay off of social right now because my spirit needs more rest than this timeline will allow.

I am past furious.
Y'all knew supremacists would wild out. We kept telling you. And you normalized them.

Meanwhile MEMBERS OF FREAKING CONGRESS are *inside,* refusing masks from Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester-a Black woman who statistically is at far more risk than them-and they scoffed.
The whole thing is violent.
The same people who seeded this white supremacist insurgency are the same people who refused masks in the "safe" room where they hid from insurgents-and the same people who are passing out COVID to Congresswomen of color who've been trying to protect us all.
Kick out every last one of them. Those aren't colleagues, they're carriers. Of the diseases of white supremacy, COVID-19, and violence.
Meanwhile all of the DMV, plus Black folks, Indigenous folks and people of color everywhere are hunkering down as we prepare to protect ourselves from even more terror than we've already been dealing with.

And trying not to catch COVID.
I been in my Bible something heavy recently because this is pure, unadulterated evil.
You can follow @MsPackyetti.
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