I cannot emphasize how problematic it is that @Microsoft is blocking keywords rooted in civil rights issues.

Based on this keyword blocklist, they are likely blocking ad revenues from every LGBT, feminist and social justice-oriented media outlet in the world.
It looks like @chase is defunding all news coverage of “racism”, “racial profiling” and even “racial bias” by adding these words to their keyword blocklist.

How do we fight systemic racism if they pull their cash every time we talk about it?
Based on @TMobile’s keyword blocklist, it looks like they defunded every news story related to the George Floyd protests and the Unite the Right rally.

If your newsroom covered this essential news, @TMobile blocked their ad $$ from your work (whether they realize it or not)
Have you ever seen a @VMware ad? I haven’t. They’ve blocked nearly every keyword and topic related to the biggest news stories in 2020 – esp BLM.

CEO @PGelsinger said they’re “praying for equality” but VMWare’s literally blocked the word “social justice” from their media buy.
You can follow @nandoodles.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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