Home Secretary: "The rules are very simple and clear... only leave home for a very very limited number of reasons... outdoor recreation but in a very very restricted and limited way"

Outdoor recreation was removed as a reasonable excuse for leaving home in lockdown regulations🤦‍♂️
The Tier 4 regulations used to include a reasonable excuse of taking "open air recreation" but it was removed in the latest lockdown https://twitter.com/AdamWagner1/status/1347312331936722946?s=20
I get that everyone makes mistakes but ministers really need to be across most basic points - and this is the most basic, particularly given the national discussions over what "exercise" is over recent days. I assume this was a slip but I think the Home Sec needs to correct it
And perhaps she might consider whether the rules are indeed clear and simple enough...
All welcome to view my video where I deal with this point!
And here
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