"The Greatest Threat" always depends upon "to what?"

Greatest Threat to the country is the social fragmentation created by globalist capitalism (& ID politics, which capital exploits) & the corporate-tech monopoly that controls news & information. Nothing else is close.

But there are other threats to other subjects.

The greatest threat to "truth" is the new postmodern or post-postmodern epistemology where everything is funneled through identity and narrative.

The greatest threat to national common solidarity is minoritarian identity politics.
The greatest threat to "the Church"-- that depends on what you mean by "the Church"?

If it's the Church universal, then the greatest threat is always false teaching and false worship. If it's "the American Church" it's probably the misplaced belief that such a thing exists.
If it's "your church," then you'll have to look and see. Probably for conservatives the greatest threat is a mass social contagion of conspiratorial thinking and flattened out culture war oppositions. For centrists, it's false empathy which leads to a sort of sacral liberalism.
Some people will stand at the intersection of these groups, whether social or intellectual. They will see where certain forces mutually reinforce one another or where people are fooled &don't know what's actually "threatening" them.

Different problems can exist at the same time
But people are always sinners and always manufacture idols. That, I can assure you.

And there's no "problem" that people won't try to solve with a new and potentially worse problem.
The whole right-wing militia thing is real, but its "pure" variant is quite small and has been with us since the early 90s (if not sooner). The bigger problem is the fact of the Bundy/Normie spectrum and many people not having the intellectual tools to navigate properly.
And the constant allure of "only punch left" that causes our popular groups to just commit to not looking into issues very closely. That's a day-to-day pastoral problem in many of our (conservative and very conservative Reformed & Evang. churches).
The "power" institutions are shifting. In the SBC, the most power still sits with the Al Mohler types, who I think it is safe to say are not liberals or closet CRTers, etc. Still, the megachurch pastor-type is a close second and can ally with other groups to do weird stuff.
In the PCA, the power institutions are split between Covenant/Keller types and the older big steeple Southern churches. That second group should not be conflated with TRs, even if they share the accent.
"Broad Evangelicalism" is a different animal entirely, and its power structure is essentially the same as corporate America's, which is to say that it used to be center-right but now is center-left and is entirely vulnerable to being co-opted by social progressivism.
Nearly all power institutions will move left in the near-term future. If they "stay put," then they will go left. That's just how our world works right now.

So the trick is to push against that momentum while also keeping clear focus on Biblical truths &truly traditional values.
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