1. Short thread, with news.


Today, Defending Democracy Together, home of Republicans for the Rule of Law and Republican Voters Against Trump, announced it would raise and spend $50 million...
2. ...$50 million to defend Republicans who act to hold President Trump accountable for inciting an attack on the U.S. Capitol, and to deploy against those who continue to lie to voters about widespread election fraud.
3. Our Republican Accountability Project will do three things:
--Work to hold Republican members of Congress who have enabled or capitulated to Trump by objecting to certifying a free and fair election accountable--including by helping credible primary challengers against them.
--Ensure that ample resources are available for those principled Republicans who do the right thing and hold Trump accountable for inciting an attack on the U.S. Capitol to defend against primary challengers.
--And, in primaries for open or redistricted seats, we will back new candidates who would be principled Republicans if elected to office.
6. From me, as Chair of Defending Democracy Together:
“We say to any Republican who votes to impeach or remove Donald Trump: You will not be left alone. We will help you against primary challenges.
7. "And before the challenges emerge, we will help explain your vote to your constituents. So do the right thing. We will have your back.”
8. Joining Sarah Longwell and me in leading this project will be Elizabeth Neumann, Former Assistant Secretary for Counterterrorism and Threat Prevention at DHS under President Trump, and Olivia Troye, Former Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Advisor to VP Mike Pence.

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