Educator thread:

With many places locked back down and a new strain looming, I thought now was a good time to remind all those making online SW a new or larger part of their business that I have a 3-part class series on just this subject on  1/11
To clarify, my classes are the triage or emergency care of going online. Class 1 will get you online and get money coming in. I breakdown which avenues will create the fastest return and which will have the best long-term earning potential. 2/11
If you are unable to purchase this download for whatever reason, email [email protected] and I will send it to you for free. I just want you to have money coming in asap. No judgement. Times are fucking tough. 3/11
Class 2 is about how to create content in quarantine. The focus is trying to create when you lack time, space and equipment. This is the MacGuyver of Online SW class. it's hard to put a financial investment into something when your main business has just been throttled. 4/11
Class 3 will to help you cope w/ all these changes. "What Could Go Wrong?" is all about taking care of yourself and troubleshooting what isn't working for you on your new or newly upgraded platforms. Online fatigue is real and so is quarantine fatigue. Let's not let it win. 5/11
Now, if you are looking to polish/upgrade your business let's talk about some other educators I recommend. @ThePrincessKali is amazing for figuring out your brand and getting the clients you want to make the money want. 6/11
I am a member of her #RedKeyClub and it has been an amazing help to my quarantine workflow. Her branding classes gave me a lot of work to keep myself busy. Not to mention she has some great classes for actual session skills, like humiliation. 7/11
If you want to polish up your content and workflow, check out @DominaSnow and the @wicked_alliance classes. I can't make this thread long enough to list the classes and skills you can learn from her. Your content will look amazing and you will feel so comfortable making it. 8/11
For phone, text and webcam session skills you want to look at the classes from @Simone_Justice, @justineplays and @MzKimAP. All 3 have been offering classes, guides and coaching through all of this. get to know them and what they offer. 9/11
Of course for all around better business I always recommend @AmberlyPSO. Her #AVNStars is $2/mo and its well worth a hundred times that. I signed up in the spring and have not go a single month where I didn't learn something. 10/11
Now go forth and learn! These ladies are all amazing and each will have lots of knowledge for whatever you are looking to learn or build on. 11/11
You can follow @ElenaDeLuca.
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