1.) I often speak about purging & cleansing all that negatively consumes our spirits & minds. I speak from experience of holding onto traumas & tragedies that took me away from Who I Am. I am not alone, we are everywhere. Neighbors, friends, coworkers. etc.
2.) Each of us has a story to tell
that consumes/d us, that causes/d us to ruminate over & over again. Anger within us towards the situations, patterns created to build our unbreakable walls etc.

All that has hurt us must be purged.
3.) There is too much darkness that has swallowed many of us whole. There are many that can't face themselves or others still.

So during this tumultuous time, instead of focusing on the political agendas, my focus has been on healing the core of self & Mother Earth.
4.) I spent decades into the "Conspiracy Theories". I know the shock & awe they can produce. The dynamics, the eye opening, life changing whirlwinds as daily something new comes along to steer us in many different directions, seeking a truthful answer that may not be found.
5.) But what it all taught me was this. Be aware. Be cautious of what you feed yourself. We weren't meant to live in front of a computer screen, stuck on never ending rollercoasters fighting our neighbors' over opinions. That is not why we were created.
6.) We were created to learn, grow, create, as we are in our Creator's image. To shine light through the darkness. To be beacons of hope to each other as we go through our lessons. And to learn Who We Are. Not as the history books taught us, but as Creator Made Us.
7.) The world taught us what we know. Through Schools, Colleges, Religion, Tell-A-Lie-Visions, Media, Magazines. What about Nature? Did they teach us necessary skills to survive in nature? Or just work in a cube? Which direction were you pushed into? For many didn't get a choice,
8.) But instead got thrown into the unknown just to survive. And when that happens, life becomes miserable. We become inherently angry, creating Dis-Ease throughout our bodies & minds. Anger turns to violence & horrible choices for too many. Creating a cycle of abuse in many
9.) families & situations. From domestic violence, child abuse, rape, molestation, drug addictions, drinking...the list goes on & on. And far too great a number have suffered the consequences of PROGRAMMING.

So, I share tid bits here & there on how I broke free of the hypnosis
10.) of it all.

Turn it off! For as long as necessary. Get to know yourself. That seems easy, but it's not. That uncomfortable vibration that hits hard, causing anxiety, must be broken through. That barrier can be excruciating to go through.
11.) It's as bad as quitting a drug or cigarettes. For it IS a DETOX! We must all detox ourselves from the poisons told to us, beaten into us, and so on. We must confront our fears of facing ourselves & others, as our true selves. Without fear of what will be said to us, fear
12.) of separation from loved ones, and fear from strangers. Too many are afraid to stand up for themselves & suffer deep consequences. These consequences come in the form of health issues & mental health issues that can consume us to our cores & cause us to
13.) have suicidal ideations, self harm, violence, invisible, yet gigantic walls built around us for protection. Yet, within those walls, hide innocent children. Small, hunched over, curled in a ball children, that want to LIVE FREE & Happy.
14.) You know that child. That beautiful inner child that needs so much love, yet is afraid to be hurt again.

This child NEEDS you! For YOU are that child. That beautiful, innocent, terrified of being hurt child.

This is why purging must be done. To set your beautiful self free
15.) For once that child is healed, your health will improve, your thoughts will be more positive, your strength increases with each sensitive situation. Your heart grows, fears dissipate, for you have faced your greatest fear....Facing Yourself.

I speak from experience
16.) For as we are ying & yang, carry goodness & our shadows, through facing & purging the self of all that has traumatized you, your heart begins to open. It begins to radiate the true you. That loving portion that has been hidden. That fearful portion converts itself
17.) into fertilizer that grows the most beautiful you that you never imagined while going through your torments.

Have faith in yourself. You are here for a purpose. Even if it is only to learn how to truly & unconditionally love. For it is through love, that we heal. Be Blessed
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