ICYMI: The Great Bernie Bro Civil War of 2020, explained.

#ForceTheVote is yet another temper tantrum over the pony Bernie promised them that they didn't get.

Jimmy Dore, a Bernie activist with a podcast, is encouraging AOC and her Squad to threaten to withhold their votes for Nancy and make McCarthy Speaker if Nancy doesn't promise to hold a vote on M4A.

Other Bernie Bold Face Names with their own podcasts like Cenk Uygur say it won't work and it's a waste of political capital and that would make The Squad and the Bernie Left look weak and ineffective, and even if it works, the vote will fail. (All true.)

Dore says it SO TOTALLY WILL work, and even if the vote fails, it "starts a conversation" and all the Members who vote No will lose in 2022 because reasons, and says Cenk and anyone refuses to blackmail Nancy and the Democrats is a neoliberal corporate whore.

The Great Bernie Bro Civil War of 2020, Day 5 Update

Half of them are arguing who "they" (the Bernie Left") should install as Speaker when they replace Nancy after the successful coup.

It is vicious. Should it be AOC? Or Barbara Lee, you know, because she has a little more experience?

Definitely not Hakeem Jeffries, because he isn't "progressive" and must be punished for voting against AOC in Steering Committee.

Because they're in charge now. See?

The rest are arguing they can only replace Nancy with McCarthy (true) but it's ok because that gives progressives more leverage AND ALSO Nancy is "just as bad as GOP."

One of them issued a "challenge" to name anyone in the House more conservative than Nancy. No one could.

AOC says this is a bad idea because it will hurt elected Progressives gain clout among their colleagues.

They told her she didn't have any clout and she got dinged from all the good committees so she should SHUT IT, this isn't about her.

Brie Brie Gray (Bernie's press secretary) claims their plan is foolproof because of "the drama of the most powerful Democrat in the House being bent over the proverbial barrel by a squad of progressive upstarts."

They have made A LIST OF NAMES. Actually three lists - a "Good" list, a "Snake Emoji" list, and an "Agnostic" list of people who aren't committed enough to the Revolution but have not yet crossed the line into Snake emoji territory.

Now they're arguing over who REALLY belongs on which list.

Oddly, AOC is on the BAD list, but still on the list of potential replacement Speakers for when they oust Pelosi.

I assure you, you have never heard of 90% of these names, so they have conveniently included the names of their podcasts for handy reference, as well as their Patreon and Venmo links.

Special Bonus Squabble- a Woke-Off between AOC and Ilhan Omar over vaccinations.

AOC says Ilhan shouldn't have gotten the vaccine bc there are people who need it more. Ilhan says she can't tell her constituents to do something she hasn't done.

Or maybe it's the opposite 🙄

How it ended:

The Squad voted for Nancy and got nothing and liked it.

Now they are "cancelled." Primary challenges are in the works.

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